I finally jumped on the bandwagon and read
The Help Deluxe Edition
by Kathryn Stockett. For some reason, maybe due to it's overwhelming popularity, I was resisting reading this book. Then all my co-workers started raving about it, and not all of them read very many books. I started to get a bit curious about the movie and decided I needed to read the book before seeing the film. I have to admit, I loved this book. I really believe it's going to go down as one of the classics of our time and will probably end up being required reading in schools. If you've been resisting the allure of this book, stop being so bull-headed and dive in!
On the other hand, you may wish to avoid Anne Rice's
The Wolf Gift
. I've been a fan of Rice for a long time but over the years she seems to have lost her edge. I was hoping that her return to the realm of the supernatural would revive her a bit but this felt like more of a rut than anything. The beginning half of the story felt almost the same as Interview with the Vampire, except with wolves. Then she just had to go there, pseudo-bestiality. Vampires can be sexy but, I'm sorry, this was just kinda gross. I spent the last half of the book just waiting for it to be over. Fortunately, it's a fast read. One thing to hold out hope for, she did introduce several very unique characters and dangled the possibility of a few interesting stories to come. Hopefully this was just the awkward set-up novel that writers sometimes use as a lead-in to better novels.
Next up, I'll be reading an advanced copy of
Grave Mercy: His Fair Assassin, Book I (His Fair Assassin Trilogy)
by Robin LaFevers. It looks quite good and I can't wait to check it out!