Night's Blaze: Part 1 by
Donna Grant
My rating:
3 of 5 stars
Well, I think it'll be difficult to do a proper review for each part, as it is only a part of the story, and each part is very short. Since this is how I received the story, I will do my best.
Although I am not certain of this, I got the impression that this is not the first part of this story. It seemed like there was back action that had occurred in another story by the way it was set up. Grant does do a good job of trying to give you back story in part 1 so you are not completely clueless about what is going on. Unfortunately, this makes for some choppy storytelling. This is not necessarily the author's fault. It's just an awkward thing to fill people in after a story's been started. I usually think kindly of an author for going through this for the sake of those who don't know about the earlier books.
That is was made up a good section of part 1. You spend some time getting to know the main characters and you get the background on their motivations that will, probably, carry the remaining 3 parts of this story. I really do like the twist this author is exploring of shape-shifting dragons. It's a lot of fun that they have Scottish accents as well. I hope to finish all the other parts soon as they seem to be good reading for the Valentine season.
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Night's Blaze: Part 2 by
Donna Grant
My rating:
3 of 5 stars
I'm still enjoying this story and still finding it problematic to do a decent review to just a section.
Part 2 delves more into plot development and the fleshing out of the main characters. It's doing a very good job of holding my interest. A lot of these romance novels you just tread water from one more interesting scene of smut to another. This actually has an interesting story and lore to it. Getting more interested in going back and reading some of the earlier books and some of her other work outside the series.
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Night's Blaze: Part 3 by
Donna Grant
My rating:
3 of 5 stars
Nice cliffhanger at the end of this one. Maybe it is better to get books in instalments. It's been a while since that's been done. It would be fun if a publisher decided to release the occasional book in this manner.
This part starts off with more character development. What I really enjoyed was the development of the more secondary characters. That was a pleasant surprise. A lot of times, the secondary characters do get the full measure they are due.
Still really enjoying this.
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Night's Blaze: Part 4 by
Donna Grant
My rating:
3 of 5 stars
I knew this formula felt a bit familiar. It's hard to tell from just the one book, but this feels a bit like the Black Dagger Brotherhood. If it does follow the same pattern, I'm guessing each of the books in this series focuses on one male character and how they find their mate. I'm thinking I might have to check out the other books and see if my theory is correct.
I can't think what else to say that I didn't cover in the reviews for the other parts. I really enjoyed the way the action built up and resolved.
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