This was a good week of reading for me. I finished up
Rose: My Life in Service to Lady Astor
by Rosina Harrison. I learned about this book from all the Downton Abbey fan reading lists that were circulating the web in January and February. It was entertaining in a gossipy sort of way and a fun read.
After that, I finally got around to reading
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close: A Novel
by Jonathan Safran Foer. I'm not a big fan of reading books based on critical hype and general popularity, but sometimes the books are genuinely deserving of such success. This is a prime example.
Yesterday I finished reading
Three Weeks in December
by Audrey Schulman. This book grabbed my attention right from the introduction and never let go. It was one of those rare novels that I didn't want to put down and I didn't want it to end. I wish this author much success, she put a lot of work into this story.
Now I have moved on to
Timeless (The Parasol Protectorate, No. 5)
by Gail Carriger. This series has just been so much fun and I'm sad that this will be the last book. I really adore the humor in these tales.
I anticipate reading more books from my paperback collection as the stack is getting a bit high and wobbly and I need to cut it down a bit before they all fall over!!