My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Some books you read slowly because you just can't get engaged, or maybe you find yourself slowing down to process all the information. I found myself reading this book slowly because each chapter felt like a poetry collection. I had to pace myself and allow myself a dollop of a chapter from time to time so I could have the proper amount of time to savor and appreciate what I'd just read. It's been a long time since I've read a novel and wondered at the beauty of the phrasing.
Nora herself is a very interesting character. She is quietly strong, considering the story is told from her perspective. Her husband is also an interesting character. You learn very little about him even though his influence on the tale is pervasive.
Really, an exceptional book. I need to look for more by this author.
This review is based on a free e-galley received from NetGalley.com
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