My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I really don't have anything bad to say about this book, other than I finished it at work and had to try very hard not to cry in front of my co-workers. That's always a tad embarrassing. I have not read any of Hannah's other books but have heard from a few people that she always does high caliber work. If you are as familiar, this book should not disappoint. If this is virgin territory, prepare yourself for total immersion and extreme depth of character connection. There may be similar stories out there but this is a side of WWII that I have not read about. Although this is a novel, it reads very realistically and not at all over the top. I can see why this book is getting a lot of praise. It's not often I agree with such assessments but I'm happy to be part of the herd this time around.
This review is based on a free e-galley received from Netgalley.com
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