My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I spent the first 60 pages, or so, very frustrated with this book because there were so many characters, all going by first and last names, and I couldn't keep them all straight. If I remember correctly, Puzo did this as well. I think that's why I gave up on him. It's a frustrating storytelling device for people who are not good with remembering names. I finally did get the names down and got pretty invested in the characters, then they changed locations and a whole new set of characters were introduced. Frustrated again, but for a shorter amount of time. I also felt some of the character deaths were a bit abrupt and awkward (it's a mafia book, I don't think it's a spoiler to tell you people die). The whole book seemed a little too neatly packaged and wrapped up at the end. I think it would be fair to say that I enjoyed the middle half of the book, was annoyed with the first quarter, and by the time I got to the last quarter I just wanted it to be done. I think I will be donating my copy of this book to my public library.
This review is based on a free copy obtained through GoodReads First Reads.
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